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6-21-06 Federal Minimum Wage vote |
Today the Senate Republican's voted down the bill to increase the Federal Minimum Wage. This was a massive kick in the throat to every hardworking person in the country. Especially when you keep in mind that the Republican majority in Congress has voted multiple times to increase or maintain tax breaks that are specifically designed to benefit the upper rich 2%; while simultaneously cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Student Loans, after school programs, the arts, etc, etc. Of course while the average American wipes the sweat from their brow and contemplates how they're going to afford to fill up their cars, the Republicans are cursing around in their gas guzzling SUVs, flying on corporate jets with lobbyists, and giggling as We the People struggle to make ends meet. Under Clinton/Gore we were able to raise the minimum wage twice and the economy grew as the poor got richer, the rich got richer, and small businesses grew exponentially. Today's K-Street, Corporation-devoted Senate Republicans have claimed that an increase would hurt small business and cause them to hire less workers. Obviously, that propaganda is not backed up by history and, by their own misguided logic, why not just lower the minimum wage... wouldn't that create new jobs? Of course not... How did your Senator vote?